In 1994, President Clinton proclaimed September as classical music month. Many Americans may not necessarily be a fan of this type of music, but most people know a lot more classical thank they think. Many famous classical music pieces pop up in commercials, movies and TV programs.

If you or a loved one has Parkinson’s disease, Classical Music Month is a good time to remember that listening to music can benefit the PD patient in many ways. Classical music, and any type of music the patient enjoys, can:

  • Promote a feeling of well being
  • Reduce anxiety and stress
  • Improve ability to move
  • Improve breathing
  • Improve communication
  • Improve memory

Also, the rhythm of many types of music can be helpful to the PD patient. Initiating movement can become more difficult for the PD patient, and musical rhythm can be a stimulus and template for organizing a series of movements consciously, such as walking. By focusing on the rhythm of the music, many people have improvements in gait, start hesitation and freezing. It almost is as if the soothing music and its rhythm helps you to find your own lost rhythm.


Beethoven’s symphonies can actually improve some PD symptoms, as well as other types of music.

The rhythm of music also can improve tremor by giving the Parkinson’s patient a pattern that allows movements to be better synchronized and controlled once again. Slow rhythmic music can help to slow your body rhythms and promote a feeling of relaxation.

Classical music also can help the PD patient to overcome other symptoms of the disease, such as anxiety, feelings of isolation and depression. Music also can give the patient a chance for more self-expression and to interact socially, both which help the spirits of the PD patient. Some patients also find that they get tired less when they move to music; it almost is as if less effort is needed.

Listening to music also has a number of cognitive benefits. When responding to music, the brain uses processes that have become harder as the disease has progressed, such as getting dressed or eating. Soothing classical music can help you to deal with complex daily activities that have become more difficult.

So, as part of Classical Music Month, remember that listening to Bach, Beethoven and Mozart can have real benefits for the PD patient. And it’s wonderful music, as well!

Eating Aids for PD Patients

Listening to music can help with the performance of complex daily tasks, and our line of PD products can help as well. To make eating easier for the PD patient, consider these products:



Weighted Eating Utensils



Keep Warm Dish